Saturday, October 27, 2012

Married and Scary

My husband and I met at church May of 2004. It was a little funny because when we started dating, in June, we were not sure that we wanted to be together. The feeling was mutual between us. It was weird I know and you are probably thinking well how the heck did you end up married? Long story short my self esteem got the better of me, I was talking to him on the phone and telling him how I wanted to loose weight and get healthy because I was fat and no one liked me. He said "I think you are beautiful just the way you are. You don't need to change anything I like you for you." Now that threw me for a loop I tell you because that was the perfect thing to say to me. One of those moments where you think "wow this really could work" We both knew from the start that God had a big hand in our relationship from the very beginning. We both knew from that point that it was right to get married so we talked about it for a while. Then he finally got the ring gave me the box and asked "So what is your answer?" So romantic right? Uh not really, no bended knee, no romantic dinner we were in the parking lot of a grocery store in his cramped mini van oh yeah his knees were bent but that was because he was sitting in his seat. So once I realized he was asking me to marry him I said yes. We were very happy.

I took him to meet my dad it started out good then got  little weird. After the introduction to my family  and the announcement the we were getting married, my dad decides to ask my fiance "So have you slept with her yet?"
Donald was stunned (I was pissed and rightly so) but he answered "No."
Then dad says "Well why not is she not good enough for you?"
"DAD THAT IS ENOUGH!! We are waiting until we get married if you must know!!" I yelled. Oh and this conversation happened in front of my stepbrother (who was 18), his dad (my second dad), Jay (stepsister's hubby) and Ron (a family friend.)
I went and told Wendy my stepmother what he did and boy did she shame him into apologizing. She has a gift for that. My horror wasn't enough of a reason but her well she could make anyone see the wrong in their doing.
So after the horror of meeting my family he still wanted to marry me. We set the date January 4th 2005 and got busy planning. I wanted to be married in the temple which meant that our family could not be there with us when we got married, well except my mom (she passed in 2001.) It was a small wedding as we proceeded through the temple to finally the sealing room. It was a beautiful moment. The Temple usually closes at 10 pm but they made a special exception of us seeing how badly we wanted this. We were married by 10:30. I never felt more beautiful then I did that night. I remember looking in the mirror and seeing myself in my temple dress and I could not find a flaw. I realize now that this is how Heavenly Father sees me all the time. Funny that I remember it now after all this time and realize what it meant. Proceeding through the sessions to the sealing room. I look around and I know that even though our family wasn't there did not mean we were without family. Sister Kaski came and sat with me and said "I will be the stand in for your mom if you would like" I nodded afraid to say much without crying. As were getting married the spirit filled the room. My friends were there like family. It was so neat to see the mirrors and what they represent "eternity." Seeing my now husband react as we are married. It is something that I will never forget. He really is a great person and loves me so much. I am very lucky. We have been married almost 8 years now and though it hasn't been perfect not that I expected it. We have been through a lot in our almost 8 years but it has only made us stronger. 3 kids, 1 miscarriage, homeless, and loads of health issues that we are still dealing with. I wouldn't change it, not at all because it has made us stronger. Really who can ask for more then that?

My Parnormal Stories

The house that I grew up in is haunted and still is to this day. The people that lived in the house died in a train accident shortly before my parents bought the house, so I always believed  that it was them who were there, but as I got older I know that, that was not always the case. When I was little my brother and I used to play in our room (it was the largest bedroom in the house and it was in the very back of the house having to go down a long hallway, with 2 turns, to get to the room itself) so it was hard to hear when someone called you. My mom had MS (Multiple Sclerosis and was wheel chair bound and could not make the narrow parts of the hallway in the chair and she could not walk that far without assistance. So she would go to as far as she could and yell down the hallway for my brother or I if she needed us for something or to get us up for school. There were many times where I swear she had just called my name and I go and check out what she called me for. Only I find her asleep or ask and she will tell me "I didn't call you." It was weird. That long hallway I hated it was always so dark in there and I swear there were shadows that would move especially in the darkest part of the hall.
My parents sold the house when I was 13. All that stopped when we moved into the new house. Then my parents got divorced when I was 14 and when I was 16 we moved back into the old house as renters. It all started again. I had the room in the back of the house by myself this time. As soon as we moved in things started happening again. I would hear noises I couldn't explain my name called out in my mom's voice when she didn't even live with us anymore. Then there were the things that made you think. Like one day I was doing laundry and our dryer had a bad habit of burning our clothes. (Usually just mine too.) Anyway I was folding the laundry that just came out of the dryer and something told me to go and check the dryer. I got up and checked it. Nothing so I went back to doing what I was doing. Again something told me to go and check the dryer I did and again I saw nothing. So annoyed I went back to what I was doing. Then I heard it again and this time I knew something was up I could smell smoke. So I went and checked the dryer and nothing was wrong with the dryer!! As I stood up My eyes went to the back of the dryer and to the wall where the power outlet was and there was smoke coming out of the outlet. I ran next door and told them there was a fire in the outlet in the laundry room they came and cut the power and put out the small fire. Within the next few days afterwards when they fixed the outlet they couldn't believe what they had seen. The wires looked like someone had cut them just enough to start a fire.
Now when I used to sleep for some reason I would sleep on my hands weird I know but there is a reason I am telling this. One night as I was sleeping something slammed, it felt like a hand, into my stomach waking me from my sleep. I looked at where this hit me and the in my comforter was the outline of a hand. My hands were under the covers under me. There was no one  in the room but me. I covered my head with the blanket and went back to sleep to scared to move. It got to the point where even though I loved having my room be the biggest in the house I wouldn't sleep back there anymore I started sleeping on the sofa bed in the living room. I also never slept without a light on. I don't think that we lived there more then an year that time.
 After we moved out Friends of ours moved in. They were there for a while like 3 or so months and my friend asked me if the house was haunted. I could not tell her no. She had been seeing things in the house. They had 2 small kids at the time and she was pregnant with a third. My siblings and I babysat for them regularly. We loved their family. Shortly after I turned 18 they asked me to babysit and the baby was 3 months old. He was such a sweet heart. Happy little guy that could projectile vomit 5 feet from where we were sitting. Yeah he was awesome like that completely missed me almost every time. The last time I babysat him was in that house. It started like any other day when I babysat. Them telling me they were not going to be to late. He was really fussy that day so I thought he was tired and put him to bed 7-7:30 ish like she told me too. All that night I had this feeling almost s if someone were whispering in my ear "Go check the baby there is something wrong" I checked on him 3 times that night and he was just fine. The last I checked him was 12:30 am an hour later his parents were home in a good mood and all. So I left him in their care. The next day was a school day (I was still in high school my last year.) I got ready and went to school I was 5 minutes into my first period and my sister came in to get me (I was in the library I had a free period.) She said she wasn't allowed to tell me why she was there but would when we got to the car. t the time my grandmother on my fathers side was going through treatment for breast cancer and I was worried that it might be about her. Angie assured me it was not about her. We got to the car and the babies older brother and sister were in the backseat. Then as I was sitting down Angie told me "The baby died last night Kay the police have few questions for you but they know you didn't do anything because he was fine when you left." He died  half hour after I left. Now that I am a mother that is my worst fear to lose  child I seen what it did to this family it was very ugly for a while. They did not blame me for that I was grateful and I did babysit for them again, but not often weird things kept happening. The other kids kept saying things like "the monster says he is going to kill my mommy and daddy like he killed brother." For 3 & 4 year old little people that is a scary thing to get. My friends and I told them when ever they saw the monster to yell at it to "go away you can't hurt me I am not scared of you!" One day while my friend was babysitting she called me (I just got home from babysitting for another family and did not want to go back out.) She told me weird things were happening there and she was scared and the kids kept yelling what we told them to yell. So I went anyway even though I didn't want to go out. When I got there both kids were up and on the couch crying. I asked what was going on and she told me about the noises in the hall the light's having a mind of their own and such. So my friends and I went to check out what the noises were. We went to my former bedroom (the room where the baby died) and as I walked in the closet had a glowish about it and I saw orbs of light coming out of it. I turned to ask my friend if she saw it too I didn't have too the look on her face said it all. Then something touched my shoulder and told me to "get out" and wasn't nice about it either. I freaked out and then I couldn't get warm enough. I told my friend we need to leave take the kids to the neighbor and just leave. That is what we did too. As soon as we were all out of the house we could feel the difference. It was so strange.