Saturday, October 27, 2012

Married and Scary

My husband and I met at church May of 2004. It was a little funny because when we started dating, in June, we were not sure that we wanted to be together. The feeling was mutual between us. It was weird I know and you are probably thinking well how the heck did you end up married? Long story short my self esteem got the better of me, I was talking to him on the phone and telling him how I wanted to loose weight and get healthy because I was fat and no one liked me. He said "I think you are beautiful just the way you are. You don't need to change anything I like you for you." Now that threw me for a loop I tell you because that was the perfect thing to say to me. One of those moments where you think "wow this really could work" We both knew from the start that God had a big hand in our relationship from the very beginning. We both knew from that point that it was right to get married so we talked about it for a while. Then he finally got the ring gave me the box and asked "So what is your answer?" So romantic right? Uh not really, no bended knee, no romantic dinner we were in the parking lot of a grocery store in his cramped mini van oh yeah his knees were bent but that was because he was sitting in his seat. So once I realized he was asking me to marry him I said yes. We were very happy.

I took him to meet my dad it started out good then got  little weird. After the introduction to my family  and the announcement the we were getting married, my dad decides to ask my fiance "So have you slept with her yet?"
Donald was stunned (I was pissed and rightly so) but he answered "No."
Then dad says "Well why not is she not good enough for you?"
"DAD THAT IS ENOUGH!! We are waiting until we get married if you must know!!" I yelled. Oh and this conversation happened in front of my stepbrother (who was 18), his dad (my second dad), Jay (stepsister's hubby) and Ron (a family friend.)
I went and told Wendy my stepmother what he did and boy did she shame him into apologizing. She has a gift for that. My horror wasn't enough of a reason but her well she could make anyone see the wrong in their doing.
So after the horror of meeting my family he still wanted to marry me. We set the date January 4th 2005 and got busy planning. I wanted to be married in the temple which meant that our family could not be there with us when we got married, well except my mom (she passed in 2001.) It was a small wedding as we proceeded through the temple to finally the sealing room. It was a beautiful moment. The Temple usually closes at 10 pm but they made a special exception of us seeing how badly we wanted this. We were married by 10:30. I never felt more beautiful then I did that night. I remember looking in the mirror and seeing myself in my temple dress and I could not find a flaw. I realize now that this is how Heavenly Father sees me all the time. Funny that I remember it now after all this time and realize what it meant. Proceeding through the sessions to the sealing room. I look around and I know that even though our family wasn't there did not mean we were without family. Sister Kaski came and sat with me and said "I will be the stand in for your mom if you would like" I nodded afraid to say much without crying. As were getting married the spirit filled the room. My friends were there like family. It was so neat to see the mirrors and what they represent "eternity." Seeing my now husband react as we are married. It is something that I will never forget. He really is a great person and loves me so much. I am very lucky. We have been married almost 8 years now and though it hasn't been perfect not that I expected it. We have been through a lot in our almost 8 years but it has only made us stronger. 3 kids, 1 miscarriage, homeless, and loads of health issues that we are still dealing with. I wouldn't change it, not at all because it has made us stronger. Really who can ask for more then that?

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