Sunday, June 23, 2013

Warning BIG VENT!!

It started earlier in the Wednesday when Nathan (4)  broke his sisters bedroom window. Then learned how to open and climb out of it and seriously my windows are 4 feet from the ground. He chucked blankets pillows and stuffed animals out so he had something soft to break his fall. To top it all off Ashley(2) followed him out. They were in the room for 10 minutes when I get a knock at the door and the manager tells me the kids are outside.
I go and check the bedroom and found the window open with all that stuff out of it and no kids. So I get my shoes on and head out to see Nathan leading Ashley back to the house giving her a talking too because He knows he is in trouble. Saying things like "you know your not supposed to be outside by yourself" and "you gonna be in big trouble mi...ssy" She was fully dressed he had underwear on. Then I kept an eye until we could get the dowel rod to put in the window. Which is there now so I shouldn't have anything to worry about right...........
Well I woke up to a knock at my door this morning. So I come out of my room to answer it and notice my front door wide open. Not good right. I look out the door and the park manager is at the end of my driveway getting back into his truck. He says your kids are outside again (oldest is at great-grandma's.) So here I am panicked, I wake up Donald, put on my pants (I just realized the park manager saw me in my undies insert my own horror here.) I went down the road to my friends house and asked her to help me look. At this time I am frantic with worry. So we are driving around the park. I say to my friend head out of the park because my hubby passed us and still had not found them. As we are going I call the police and they told me that people had called about a couple of kids playing on the main road. Heart stopped. We get to there pronto. I see them both and here I am crying like a baby and they run up to me like they just had the best adventure ever. As we are standing there waiting for the Police to come the people who found my kids tell me what they were doing Nathan was riding his scooter down the middle of the road on the yellow line. Ashley was watching on the side of the road. AI am explaining That I do have locks and such on my door I think they realized that I was telling the truth. I gave them my address and name and phone number if they want to call CPS that is fine I am more then willing to let them in. They will find that the kids are well taken care of with everything they need. So I am not worried and I will be more then willing to show them the locks on my door and ask them for suggestions on improvements maybe they will have an idea I haven't tried.
I have Monkey see monkey do here. I have chain locks on the door. I have a dowel rods in the windows. I even called my dad and I never call him for anything I just didn't know what else to do. He made me feel better, as I sat there sobbing on the phone, because both of my brothers did this too. I am thankful for both him and Wendy (my stepmom) for making me realize this is something most parents will deal with, I just don't understand why I got all the crap. My siblings were worse then I was and I am the one suffering karma's fate. Hmmm makes me wonder what is in store for them later. :) I can only imagine. If you are wondering what I am talking about read last August's post about Nathan.
I think I see my hair getting grayer and more lines and wrinkles are appearing on my face. Yeah this day is going to be great when it is over.

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