Friday, November 16, 2012

From 2011 I found on another blog site that I have stopped using and some new stuff.

My oldest Carolyn was at Grandma's house, while she was there my daughter Ashley only had me and her brother Nathan to play with. Well after a while of playing with me she decided she wanted to be on the floor by Nathan. The next thing I know I hear Nathan saying loudly "Stop it Ashwee." I look over there and Ashley has pulled herself onto Nathan's lap and was trying to get him to help her stand and pulling his hair in the process. I laughed it was cute.

The other day my son was telling me he wanted "oclate milk" (chocolate milk) I went and got his cup and he went and got the milk. I opened the milk and left it on the counter. Well he didn't know that it was open. All of a sudden I feel wet cold stuff running down my leg I look over and my son is wearing milk in his hair down his face and clothes. It was a brand new gallon too. I busted out laughing and told my hubby to come here you have too see this. He came in grumbling and busted out laughing too. I wish I had my camera at the time it would have been a good picture. 

Since Carolyn has learned to talk well she sometimes gets her words mixed up. One day October we were having burgers for dinner she said "mommy I am all done with my booger" I laughed and asked do you mean burger because you shouldn't eat boogers that is gross." She laughed really hard and said "yeah that is what I meant." Another thing that she used to say that is really cute was last night ago. 
*NEW 2012* Nathan says the funniest things his word for garbage truck "garbage can truck" he goes crazy when he sees one. Ashley is talking more and more everyday and I think we will start potty training when she is 2. She is showing the signs of readiness (already my other 2 had no interest.)
Yesterday was parent teacher conference with. Holy crap I have a smart kid!! I was given her reading test she scored 96% on it. I was also given her Math evaluation she scored 100% on it. Then the teacher proceeds to tell me that she was the only one to get that high of a score and that what they are learning is really hard this year that it is new material that they are teaching in the class. She is doing really good in all of it. The teacher had nothing but nice things to say too. She said she is really happy to have her in her class this year that she is sweet and almost always follows the rules. She is my good kid. 
Nathan has his next week. I wonder what surprises he will have in store for me. Knowing Nathan anything is possible. He surprises me all the time and amazes me. So we will see.

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